Open Questions

Here is a list of (possibly) interesting open questions that I care about.

Dynamic Dictionaries

A dynamic dictionary is a data structure maintaining a set of $n$ elements from the universe $[U]$, supporting single-element insertions, deletions, and membership queries (i.e., asking whether an element $x$ belongs to the current set). Hash tables are well-studied randomized implementation of dynamic dictionaries, supporting all types of operations within constant expected time.

  • Open Question: Is there a deterministic algorithm that achieves $O(1)$ time for insertions, deletions, and queries?
    • Many people believe no. If a lower bound is proven, it gives a separation between randomized and deterministic algorithms on this clean problem, which is regarded the second most important derandomization problem left in theoretical computer science (the most important one is whether RP = P).

Succinct Dynamic Dictionaries

A dictionary must use at least $\log \binom{U}{n}$ bits of space because this is the entropy of the set it maintains. If some implementation of dictionary uses $\log \binom{U}{n} + R$ bits of space, we say the redundancy is $R$ bits. The optimal trade-off between redundancy and single-operation time is interesting for not only (succinct) dynamic dictionaries but also many other (succinct) data structure problems.

What we know about this problem:

  • [Bender et al., STOC 2022] gives the best upper bound when $R \ge n$: one can achieve $O(k)$ time per operation with $R = O(n \log^{(k)} n)$ bits of redundancy.
  • [Li et al., FOCS 2023] shows the above upper bound is optimal for $R \ge n$. For the range $1 \le R < n$, a lower bound of $\Omega(\log (n/R) + \log^* n)$ time per operation is given.
  • [Li et al., SODA 2024] shows that for $n / \log^{100} n \le R \le n$, we can actually give algorithms that match the proven lower bound $\Omega(\log (n/R) + \log^* n)$.

What we do not know:

  • Open Question: What is the optimal tradeoff when $R \ll n / \text{poly} \log n$? Is the lower bound tight?

Back to the topic of derandomization. As we already know the best tradeoff for randomized succinct dynamic dictionaries for a wide range of parameters, it is natural to ask:

  • Open Question: Is there a deterministic succinct dynamic dictionary that achieves the same time-space tradeoff as randomized ones?
    • This is the succinct variant of the very important open question of derandomizing (non-succinct) dynamic dictionaries. We believe that succinctness gives extra tool to prove cell-probe lower bounds, thus this might (or might not) be more doable than the initial question.

1-Dimensional Dynamic Succinct Data Structures

See Story of 1-Dimensional Dynamic Succinct Data Structures for backgrounds.

Open Questions about applications of Dynamic Succincter:

  • For arithmetic coding with $O(1)$ alphabet and point updates (single-element updates), is there a data structure with $O(n / \text{poly} \log n)$ redundancy and $O(1)$ operation time? If not, what is the best trade-off curve we can achieve?
    • By the way, we did not study arithmetic coding with large alphabets. This might also be interesting.
  • For rank/select (or other 1D problems) with insertions and deletions allowed, what is the best redundancy achievable when the time is optimal $O(\log n / \log \log n)$? Can we prove any nontrivial lower bound?