All day (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM) | Registration | Grand Gallery - 2nd Floor |
All day (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM) | Exhibitor Hours | Grand Gallery - 2nd Floor |
8:30 AM - 9:00 AM | Continental Breakfast | Grand Gallery - 2nd Floor |
Time | SODA 10A Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor Chair: Nikhil Bansal (UMich) | SODA 10B Toulouse - 2nd Floor Mezzanine Chair: Venkat Guruswami (UC Berkeley) | SODA 10C Grand Ballroom A - 2nd Floor Chair: Hung Le (UMass Amherst) | SOSA 6 St. Charles - 1st Floor Chair: Sepehr Assadi (Univ. of Waterloo) |
9:00-9:20 | Spanners in Planar Domains Via Steiner Spanners and Non-Steiner Tree Covers Hung Le (UMass Amherst); Sujoy Bhore (IIT Bombay); Balázs Keszegh (Renyi Institute); Andrey Kupavskii (CNRS - Ecole Normale Superieure); Alexandre Louvet; Dömötör Pálvölgyi (MTA-ELTE); Csaba D. Toth (California State Univ., Northridge) | New Separations and Reductions for Directed Hopsets and Preservers Yinzhan Xu (MIT); Gary Hoppenworth (UMich); Zixuan Xu (MIT) | Sumsets, 3SUM, Subset Sum: Now for Real! Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.) | Simpler Optimal Sorting from a Directed Acyclic Graph Ivor Van Der Hoog, Eva Rotenberg, and Daniel P. Rutschmann (Technical Univ. of Denmark) |
9:25-9:45 | A Lower Bound for Light Spanners in General Graphs Greg Bodwin and Jeremy Flics (UMich) | Tree Independence Number IV. Even-Hole-Free Graphs Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton Univ.); Peter Gartland (UC Santa Barbara); Sepehr Hajebi (Univ. of Waterloo); Daniel Lokshtanov (UC Santa Barbara); Sophie Spirkl (Univ. of Waterloo) | New Applications of 3SUM-Counting in Fine-Grained Complexity and Pattern Matching Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.); Ce Jin and Yinzhan Xu (MIT) | Finding Longer Cycles Via Shortest Colourful Cycle Andreas Björklund and Thore Husfeldt (IT Univ. of Copenhagen) |
9:50-10:10 | Subquadratic Algorithms in Minor-Free Digraphs: (weighted) Distance Oracles, Decremental Reachability, and More Adam Karczmarz (Univ. of Warsaw); Da Wei Zheng (UIUC) | A Refutation of the Pach-Tardos Conjecture for 0-1 Matrices Seth Pettie (UMich); Gábor Tardos (Renyi Institute) | Beating Bellman's Algorithm for Subset Sum Karl Bringmann (Saarland Univ. and Max Planck Institute for Informatics); Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.); Vasileios Nakos (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens) | Connectivity Certificate Against Bounded-Degree Faults: Simpler, Better and Supporting Vertex Faults Elad Tzalik and Merav Parter (Weizmann Institute of Science) |
10:15-10:35 | Having Hope in Missing Spanners: New Distance Preservers and Light Hopsets Shimon Kogan and Merav Parter (Weizmann Institute of Science) | Recognizing Sumsets is NP-Complete Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science); Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.); Ron Safier and Nathan Wallheimer (Weizmann Institute of Science) | Average-Case Hardness of Parity Problems: Orthogonal Vectors, K-Sum and More Mina Dalirrooyfard (Morgan Stanley); Andrea Lincoln (Boston Univ.); Barna Saha (UC San Diego); Virginia Vassilevska Williams (MIT) | A Simplified Parameterized Algorithm for Directed Feedback Vertex Set Ziliang Xiong (Linköping Univ.); Mingyu Xiao (Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China) |
10:40-11:00 | Improved Online Reachability Preservers Greg Bodwin and Tuong Le (UMich) | A Topological Proof Of The Hell–Nešetril Dichotomy Sebastian Meyer (TU Dresden); Jakub Opršal (Univ. of Birmingham) | Exact Thresholds for Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing Junren Chen (Univ. of Hong Kong); Jonathan Scarlett (National Univ. of Singapore) | Connectivity Carcass of a Vertex Subset in a Graph - Both Odd and Even Case Surender Baswana and Abhyuday Pandey (IIT Kanpur) |
11:05 AM - 11:30 AM | Coffee Break | Grand Gallery - 2nd Floor |
11:30 AM - 12:30 PM | IP3 Learning in Environments with Carryover Effects Éva Tardos (Cornell Univ.) | Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor |
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM | Lunch Break | Attendees on their own |
Time | SODA 11A Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor Chair: Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern Univ.) | SODA 11B Toulouse - 2nd Floor Mezzanine Chair: Soheil Behnezad (Northeastern Univ.) | SODA 11C Grand Ballroom A - 2nd Floor Chair: Hung Le (UMass Amherst) | SOSA 8 St. Charles - 1st Floor Chair: Hugo A. Akitaya (UMass Lowell) |
2:00-2:20 | Inapproximability of Maximum Diameter Clustering for Few Clusters Ashwin Padaki (UPenn); Henry Fleischmann (CMU); Kyrylo Karlov (Charles Univ.); Karthik C. S. (Rutgers Univ.); Stepan ZHARKOV (Columbia Univ.) | Faster Vizing and Near-Vizing Edge Coloring Algorithms Sepehr Assadi (Univ. of Waterloo) | Relating Interleaving and Fréchet Distances Via Ordered Merge Trees Thijs Beurskens (TU Eindhoven); Tim Ophelders (TU Eindhoven and Utrecht Univ.); Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek (TU Eindhoven) | Dynamic Independent Set of Disks (and Hypercubes) Made Easier Sujoy Bhore (IIT Bombay); Timothy M. Chan (UIUC) |
2:25-2:45 | Coresets for Constrained Clustering: General Assignment Constraints and Improved Size Bounds Lingxiao Huang (Nanjing Univ.); Jian Li (Tsinghua Univ.); Pinyan Lu (Shanghai Univ. of Finance and Economics); Xuan Wu (Nanyang Technological Univ.) | A Sublinear-Time Algorithm for Nearly-Perfect Matchings in Regular Non-Bipartite Graphs Thomas P. Hayes (Univ. at Buffalo); Varsha Dani (Rochester Institute of Technology) | Facet-Hamiltonicity Hugo A. Akitaya (UMass Lowell); Jean Cardinal (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles); Stefan Felsner (TU Berlin); Linda Kleist (Univ. of Potsdam); Robert Lauff (TU Berlin) | A Simple Partially Embedded Planarity Test Based on Vertex-Addition Simon D. Fink (TU Wien); Ignaz Rutter (Univ. of Passau); Sandhya T P (Stockholms Univ.) |
2:50-3:10 | A Tight Vc-Dimension Analysis of Clustering Coresets with Applications Chris Schwiegelshohn (Aarhus Univ.); Vincent Cohen-Addad (Google Research); Andrew Draganov (Aarhus Univ.); Matteo Russo (Univ. La Sapienza); David Saulpic (IST) | Even Faster (Delta + 1)-Edge Coloring Via Shorter Multi-Step Vizing Chains Martin Costa and Sayan Bhattacharya (Univ. of Warwick); Shay Solomon (Tel Aviv Univ.); Tianyi Zhang (ETH Zurich) | Differentiable Approximations for Distance Queries Ahmed Abdelkader (Google); David M. Mount (Univ. of Maryland) | An Optimal Algorithm for Half-Plane Hitting Set Gang Liu and Haitao Wang (Univ. of Utah) |
3:15-3:35 | Efficient Approximation Algorithm for Computing Wasserstein Barycenter under Euclidean Metric Pankaj K. Agarwal (Duke Univ.); Sharath Raghvendra (North Carolina State Univ.); Pouyan Shirzadian (Virginia Tech); Keegan Yao (Duke Univ.) | Randomized Greedy Online Edge Coloring Succeeds for Dense and Randomly-Ordered Graphs Aditi Dudeja (Univ. of Salzburg); Rashmika Goswami and Michael Saks (Rutgers Univ.) | Fréchet Distance in Subquadratic Time Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology); Haoqiang Huang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology) | On Beating Rajendra Kumar (IIT Delhi); Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science and INSAIT, Sofia Univ.) |
3:40-4:00 | Gains-from-Trade in Bilateral Trade with a Broker Suho Shin (Univ. of Maryland); Ilya Hajiaghayi (Takoma Park Middle School); MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi and Gary Peng (Univ. of Maryland) | Fully Dynamic Omer Wasim, Soheil Behnezhad, and Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern Univ.) | A Discrete Analog of Tutte’s Barycentric Embeddings on Surfaces Loïc Dubois (CNRS / LIGM Univ. Gustave Eiffel); Éric Colin de Verdière (Univ. Paris-Est); Vincent Despré (Univ. Henri Poincaré) | Recursive Lattice Reduction-A Framework for Finding Short Lattice Vectors Divesh Aggarwal (National Univ. of Singapore); Thomas Espitau (PQShield); Spencer Peters (Cornell Univ.); Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (NYU) |
4:05 PM - 4:30 PM | Coffee Break | Grand Gallery - 2nd Floor |
Time | SODA 12A Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor Chair: Mike Dinitz (Johns Hopkins Univ.) | SODA 12B Toulouse - 2nd Floor Mezzanine Chair: Bill Kuszmaul (CMU) | SODA 12C Grand Ballroom A - 2nd Floor Chair: Yossi Azar (Tel Aviv Univ.) | SOSA 8 St. Charles - 1st Floor Chair: Hugo A. Akitaya (UMass Lowell) |
4:30-4:50 | Fine-Grained Optimality of Partially Dynamic Shortest Paths and More Christopher Ye (UC San Diego); Barna Saha (UC San Diego); Virginia Vassilevska Williams and Yinzhan Xu (MIT) | Rényi-Infinity Constrained Sampling with Yunbum Kook (Georgia Tech); Matthew Zhang (Univ. of Toronto) | Low Degree Local Correction Over the Boolean Cube Prashanth Amireddy (Harvard Univ.); Amik Raj Behera, Manaswi Paraashar, and Srikanth Srinivasan (Univ. of Copenhagen); Madhu Sudan (Harvard Univ.) | Dynamic Independent Set of Disks (and Hypercubes) Made Easier Sujoy Bhore (IIT Bombay); Timothy M. Chan (UIUC) |
4:55-5:15 | All-Hops Shortest Paths Yinzhan Xu, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, and Zoe Xi (MIT); Uri Zwick (Tel Aviv Univ.) | Potential Hessian Ascent: The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model Juspreet Singh Sandhu (UC Santa Cruz); David Jekel (Univ. of Copenhagen); Jonathan Shi (UC San Diego) | Quantum Locally Recoverable Codes Louis Golowich and Venkatesan Guruswami (UC Berkeley) | A Simple Partially Embedded Planarity Test Based on Vertex-Addition Simon D. Fink (TU Wien); Ignaz Rutter (Univ. of Passau); Sandhya T P (Stockholms Univ.) |
5:20-5:40 | New Approximation Algorithms and Reductions for Shiri Chechik, Itay Hoch, and Gur Lifshitz (Tel Aviv Univ.) | Spectral Independence Beyond Total Influence on Trees and Related Graphs Xiaoyu Chen (Nanjing Univ.); Xiongxin Yang (Northeast Normal Univ.); Yitong Yin and Xinyuan Zhang (Nanjing Univ.) | Locally Testable Tree Codes Tamer Mour and Alon Rosen (Bocconi Univ.); Ron Rothblum (Technion Israel Institute of Technology) | An Optimal Algorithm for Half-Plane Hitting Set Gang Liu and Haitao Wang (Univ. of Utah) |
5:45-6:05 | Faster Single-Source Shortest Paths with Negative Real Weights Via Proper Hop Distance Yufan Huang, Peter Jin, and Kent Quanrud (Purdue Univ.) | Optimal Mixing for Randomly Sampling Edge Colorings on Trees Down to the Max Degree Charlie A. Carlson (UC Santa Barbara); Xiaoyu Chen (Nanjing Univ.); Weiming Feng (ETH Zurich); Eric Vigoda (UC Santa Barbara) | Improved Explicit Near-Optimal Codes in the High-Noise Regimes Xin Li and Songtao Mao (Johns Hopkins Univ.) | On Beating Rajendra Kumar (IIT Delhi); Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science and INSAIT, Sofia Univ.) |
6:10-6:30 | Improved Shortest Path Restoration Lemmas for Multiple Edge Failures: Trade-Offs Between Fault-Tolerance and Subpaths Greg Bodwin and Lily Wang (UMich) | Mean-Field Potts and Random-Cluster Dynamics from High-Entropy Initializations Antonio Blanca (Penn State); Reza Gheissari (Northwestern Univ.); Xusheng Zhang (Penn State) | More Efficient Approximate William He (CMU); Lucas Gretta and Angelos Pelecanos (UC Berkeley) | Recursive Lattice Reduction-A Framework for Finding Short Lattice Vectors Divesh Aggarwal (National Univ. of Singapore); Thomas Espitau (PQShield); Spencer Peters (Cornell Univ.); Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (NYU) |
6:35-6:55 | Faster Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs Vikrant Ashvinkumar (Rutgers Univ.); Aaron Bernstein (Rutgers Univ.); Adam Karczmarz (Univ. of Warsaw) | FPTAS for Holant Problems with Log-Concave Signatures Kun He (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Zhidan Li, Guoliang Qiu, and Chihao Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.) | Hermitian Diagonalization in Linear Precision Rikhav Shah (UC Berkeley) |