SODA'25 Day 4 (Wednesday)

All day (8:30 AM - 5:00 PM)RegistrationGrand Gallery - 2nd Floor
All day (9:00 AM - 5:00 PM)Exhibitor HoursGrand Gallery - 2nd Floor
8:30 AM - 9:00 AMContinental BreakfastGrand Gallery - 2nd Floor
TimeSODA 10A
Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor
Chair: Nikhil Bansal (UMich)
Toulouse - 2nd Floor Mezzanine
Chair: Venkat Guruswami (UC Berkeley)
Grand Ballroom A - 2nd Floor
Chair: Hung Le (UMass Amherst)
St. Charles - 1st Floor
Chair: Sepehr Assadi (Univ. of Waterloo)
9:00-9:20Spanners in Planar Domains Via Steiner Spanners and Non-Steiner Tree Covers
Hung Le (UMass Amherst); Sujoy Bhore (IIT Bombay); Balázs Keszegh (Renyi Institute); Andrey Kupavskii (CNRS - Ecole Normale Superieure); Alexandre Louvet; Dömötör Pálvölgyi (MTA-ELTE); Csaba D. Toth (California State Univ., Northridge)
New Separations and Reductions for Directed Hopsets and Preservers
Yinzhan Xu (MIT); Gary Hoppenworth (UMich); Zixuan Xu (MIT)
Sumsets, 3SUM, Subset Sum: Now for Real!
Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.)
Simpler Optimal Sorting from a Directed Acyclic Graph
Ivor Van Der Hoog, Eva Rotenberg, and Daniel P. Rutschmann (Technical Univ. of Denmark)
9:25-9:45A Lower Bound for Light Spanners in General Graphs
Greg Bodwin and Jeremy Flics (UMich)
Tree Independence Number IV. Even-Hole-Free Graphs
Maria Chudnovsky (Princeton Univ.); Peter Gartland (UC Santa Barbara); Sepehr Hajebi (Univ. of Waterloo); Daniel Lokshtanov (UC Santa Barbara); Sophie Spirkl (Univ. of Waterloo)
New Applications of 3SUM-Counting in Fine-Grained Complexity and Pattern Matching
Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.); Ce Jin and Yinzhan Xu (MIT)
Finding Longer Cycles Via Shortest Colourful Cycle
Andreas Björklund and Thore Husfeldt (IT Univ. of Copenhagen)
9:50-10:10Subquadratic Algorithms in Minor-Free Digraphs: (weighted) Distance Oracles, Decremental Reachability, and More
Adam Karczmarz (Univ. of Warsaw); Da Wei Zheng (UIUC)
A Refutation of the Pach-Tardos Conjecture for 0-1 Matrices
Seth Pettie (UMich); Gábor Tardos (Renyi Institute)
Beating Bellman's Algorithm for Subset Sum
Karl Bringmann (Saarland Univ. and Max Planck Institute for Informatics); Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.); Vasileios Nakos (National & Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens)
Connectivity Certificate Against Bounded-Degree Faults: Simpler, Better and Supporting Vertex Faults
Elad Tzalik and Merav Parter (Weizmann Institute of Science)
10:15-10:35Having Hope in Missing Spanners: New Distance Preservers and Light Hopsets
Shimon Kogan and Merav Parter (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Recognizing Sumsets is NP-Complete
Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science); Nick Fischer (INSAIT, Sofia Univ.); Ron Safier and Nathan Wallheimer (Weizmann Institute of Science)
Average-Case Hardness of Parity Problems: Orthogonal Vectors, K-Sum and More
Mina Dalirrooyfard (Morgan Stanley); Andrea Lincoln (Boston Univ.); Barna Saha (UC San Diego); Virginia Vassilevska Williams (MIT)
A Simplified Parameterized Algorithm for Directed Feedback Vertex Set
Ziliang Xiong (Linköping Univ.); Mingyu Xiao (Univ. of Electronic Science and Technology of China)
10:40-11:00Improved Online Reachability Preservers
Greg Bodwin and Tuong Le (UMich)
A Topological Proof Of The Hell–Nešetril Dichotomy
Sebastian Meyer (TU Dresden); Jakub Opršal (Univ. of Birmingham)
Exact Thresholds for Noisy Non-Adaptive Group Testing
Junren Chen (Univ. of Hong Kong); Jonathan Scarlett (National Univ. of Singapore)
Connectivity Carcass of a Vertex Subset in a Graph - Both Odd and Even Case
Surender Baswana and Abhyuday Pandey (IIT Kanpur)
11:05 AM - 11:30 AMCoffee BreakGrand Gallery - 2nd Floor
11:30 AM - 12:30 PMIP3 Learning in Environments with Carryover Effects
Éva Tardos (Cornell Univ.)
Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor
12:30 PM - 2:00 PMLunch BreakAttendees on their own
TimeSODA 11A
Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor
Chair: Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern Univ.)
Toulouse - 2nd Floor Mezzanine
Chair: Soheil Behnezad (Northeastern Univ.)
Grand Ballroom A - 2nd Floor
Chair: Hung Le (UMass Amherst)
St. Charles - 1st Floor
Chair: Hugo A. Akitaya (UMass Lowell)
2:00-2:20Inapproximability of Maximum Diameter Clustering for Few Clusters
Ashwin Padaki (UPenn); Henry Fleischmann (CMU); Kyrylo Karlov (Charles Univ.); Karthik C. S. (Rutgers Univ.); Stepan ZHARKOV (Columbia Univ.)
Faster Vizing and Near-Vizing Edge Coloring Algorithms
Sepehr Assadi (Univ. of Waterloo)
Relating Interleaving and Fréchet Distances Via Ordered Merge Trees
Thijs Beurskens (TU Eindhoven); Tim Ophelders (TU Eindhoven and Utrecht Univ.); Bettina Speckmann and Kevin Verbeek (TU Eindhoven)
Dynamic Independent Set of Disks (and Hypercubes) Made Easier
Sujoy Bhore (IIT Bombay); Timothy M. Chan (UIUC)
2:25-2:45Coresets for Constrained Clustering: General Assignment Constraints and Improved Size Bounds
Lingxiao Huang (Nanjing Univ.); Jian Li (Tsinghua Univ.); Pinyan Lu (Shanghai Univ. of Finance and Economics); Xuan Wu (Nanyang Technological Univ.)
A Sublinear-Time Algorithm for Nearly-Perfect Matchings in Regular Non-Bipartite Graphs
Thomas P. Hayes (Univ. at Buffalo); Varsha Dani (Rochester Institute of Technology)
Hugo A. Akitaya (UMass Lowell); Jean Cardinal (Univ. Libre de Bruxelles); Stefan Felsner (TU Berlin); Linda Kleist (Univ. of Potsdam); Robert Lauff (TU Berlin)
A Simple Partially Embedded Planarity Test Based on Vertex-Addition
Simon D. Fink (TU Wien); Ignaz Rutter (Univ. of Passau); Sandhya T P (Stockholms Univ.)
2:50-3:10A Tight Vc-Dimension Analysis of Clustering Coresets with Applications
Chris Schwiegelshohn (Aarhus Univ.); Vincent Cohen-Addad (Google Research); Andrew Draganov (Aarhus Univ.); Matteo Russo (Univ. La Sapienza); David Saulpic (IST)
Even Faster (Delta + 1)-Edge Coloring Via Shorter Multi-Step Vizing Chains
Martin Costa and Sayan Bhattacharya (Univ. of Warwick); Shay Solomon (Tel Aviv Univ.); Tianyi Zhang (ETH Zurich)
Differentiable Approximations for Distance Queries
Ahmed Abdelkader (Google); David M. Mount (Univ. of Maryland)
An Optimal Algorithm for Half-Plane Hitting Set
Gang Liu and Haitao Wang (Univ. of Utah)
3:15-3:35Efficient Approximation Algorithm for Computing Wasserstein Barycenter under Euclidean Metric
Pankaj K. Agarwal (Duke Univ.); Sharath Raghvendra (North Carolina State Univ.); Pouyan Shirzadian (Virginia Tech); Keegan Yao (Duke Univ.)
Randomized Greedy Online Edge Coloring Succeeds for Dense and Randomly-Ordered Graphs
Aditi Dudeja (Univ. of Salzburg); Rashmika Goswami and Michael Saks (Rutgers Univ.)
Fréchet Distance in Subquadratic Time
Siu-Wing Cheng (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology); Haoqiang Huang (Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology)
On Beating 2n for the Closest Vector Problem
Rajendra Kumar (IIT Delhi); Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science and INSAIT, Sofia Univ.)
3:40-4:00Gains-from-Trade in Bilateral Trade with a Broker
Suho Shin (Univ. of Maryland); Ilya Hajiaghayi (Takoma Park Middle School); MohammadTaghi Hajiaghayi and Gary Peng (Univ. of Maryland)
Fully Dynamic (Δ+1) Coloring Against Adaptive Adversaries
Omer Wasim, Soheil Behnezhad, and Rajmohan Rajaraman (Northeastern Univ.)
A Discrete Analog of Tutte’s Barycentric Embeddings on Surfaces
Loïc Dubois (CNRS / LIGM Univ. Gustave Eiffel); Éric Colin de Verdière (Univ. Paris-Est); Vincent Despré (Univ. Henri Poincaré)
Recursive Lattice Reduction-A Framework for Finding Short Lattice Vectors
Divesh Aggarwal (National Univ. of Singapore); Thomas Espitau (PQShield); Spencer Peters (Cornell Univ.); Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (NYU)
4:05 PM - 4:30 PMCoffee BreakGrand Gallery - 2nd Floor
TimeSODA 12A
Grand Ballroom C/D - 2nd Floor
Chair: Mike Dinitz (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
Toulouse - 2nd Floor Mezzanine
Chair: Bill Kuszmaul (CMU)
Grand Ballroom A - 2nd Floor
Chair: Yossi Azar (Tel Aviv Univ.)
St. Charles - 1st Floor
Chair: Hugo A. Akitaya (UMass Lowell)
4:30-4:50Fine-Grained Optimality of Partially Dynamic Shortest Paths and More
Christopher Ye (UC San Diego); Barna Saha (UC San Diego); Virginia Vassilevska Williams and Yinzhan Xu (MIT)
Rényi-Infinity Constrained Sampling with D3 Membership Queries
Yunbum Kook (Georgia Tech); Matthew Zhang (Univ. of Toronto)
Low Degree Local Correction Over the Boolean Cube
Prashanth Amireddy (Harvard Univ.); Amik Raj Behera, Manaswi Paraashar, and Srikanth Srinivasan (Univ. of Copenhagen); Madhu Sudan (Harvard Univ.)
Dynamic Independent Set of Disks (and Hypercubes) Made Easier
Sujoy Bhore (IIT Bombay); Timothy M. Chan (UIUC)
4:55-5:15All-Hops Shortest Paths
Yinzhan Xu, Virginia Vassilevska Williams, and Zoe Xi (MIT); Uri Zwick (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Potential Hessian Ascent: The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick Model
Juspreet Singh Sandhu (UC Santa Cruz); David Jekel (Univ. of Copenhagen); Jonathan Shi (UC San Diego)
Quantum Locally Recoverable Codes
Louis Golowich and Venkatesan Guruswami (UC Berkeley)
A Simple Partially Embedded Planarity Test Based on Vertex-Addition
Simon D. Fink (TU Wien); Ignaz Rutter (Univ. of Passau); Sandhya T P (Stockholms Univ.)
5:20-5:40New Approximation Algorithms and Reductions for n-Pairs Shortest Paths and All-Nodes Shortest Cycles
Shiri Chechik, Itay Hoch, and Gur Lifshitz (Tel Aviv Univ.)
Spectral Independence Beyond Total Influence on Trees and Related Graphs
Xiaoyu Chen (Nanjing Univ.); Xiongxin Yang (Northeast Normal Univ.); Yitong Yin and Xinyuan Zhang (Nanjing Univ.)
Locally Testable Tree Codes
Tamer Mour and Alon Rosen (Bocconi Univ.); Ron Rothblum (Technion Israel Institute of Technology)
An Optimal Algorithm for Half-Plane Hitting Set
Gang Liu and Haitao Wang (Univ. of Utah)
5:45-6:05Faster Single-Source Shortest Paths with Negative Real Weights Via Proper Hop Distance
Yufan Huang, Peter Jin, and Kent Quanrud (Purdue Univ.)
Optimal Mixing for Randomly Sampling Edge Colorings on Trees Down to the Max Degree
Charlie A. Carlson (UC Santa Barbara); Xiaoyu Chen (Nanjing Univ.); Weiming Feng (ETH Zurich); Eric Vigoda (UC Santa Barbara)
Improved Explicit Near-Optimal Codes in the High-Noise Regimes
Xin Li and Songtao Mao (Johns Hopkins Univ.)
On Beating 2n for the Closest Vector Problem
Rajendra Kumar (IIT Delhi); Amir Abboud (Weizmann Institute of Science and INSAIT, Sofia Univ.)
6:10-6:30Improved Shortest Path Restoration Lemmas for Multiple Edge Failures: Trade-Offs Between Fault-Tolerance and Subpaths
Greg Bodwin and Lily Wang (UMich)
Mean-Field Potts and Random-Cluster Dynamics from High-Entropy Initializations
Antonio Blanca (Penn State); Reza Gheissari (Northwestern Univ.); Xusheng Zhang (Penn State)
More Efficient Approximate k-Wise Independent Permutations from Random Reversible Circuits Via Log-Sobolev Inequalities
William He (CMU); Lucas Gretta and Angelos Pelecanos (UC Berkeley)
Recursive Lattice Reduction-A Framework for Finding Short Lattice Vectors
Divesh Aggarwal (National Univ. of Singapore); Thomas Espitau (PQShield); Spencer Peters (Cornell Univ.); Noah Stephens-Davidowitz (NYU)
6:35-6:55Faster Approximation Algorithms for Restricted Shortest Paths in Directed Graphs
Vikrant Ashvinkumar (Rutgers Univ.); Aaron Bernstein (Rutgers Univ.); Adam Karczmarz (Univ. of Warsaw)
FPTAS for Holant Problems with Log-Concave Signatures
Kun He (Chinese Academy of Sciences); Zhidan Li, Guoliang Qiu, and Chihao Zhang (Shanghai Jiao Tong Univ.)
Hermitian Diagonalization in Linear Precision
Rikhav Shah (UC Berkeley)